SJPJ Volume 10
Contentsof issue No 1 (download)
Content of issue No 1 (download in total)
Vol. 10. n. 1. 2023.
Smuk, Péter | Eleven Amendments to the Fundamental Law of Hungary and their justifications (download)
Hegedős, Soma | Demokratieinterpretierung auf der Ebene der EU und die rechtsschöpfende Tätigkeit von EuGH (download)
Hepova, Adéla | Preventive privacy protection for victims of infraction in the context of the Directive 2012/29/EU (download)
Horakova, Monika | Measure of Cultural Landmark Conservation- Binding Opinions and Written Statement of the National Heritage Institute (download)
Skurek, Martin | Publication of high-value datasets under the Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on Free Access to Information (“the Information Act”) (download)
Keserű, Barna Arnold | Key Concepts on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development (download)
Albert, András | The political protection of transdanubian protestantism in the light of Miklós Bethlen’s pamphlets (1671-1681) (download)
Contents of issue Nº 2 (download)
Contents of issue Nº 2 (download in total)
Vol 10. n. 2. 2023.
Cakoci, Karin-Lazoríková Elena | Recovery of real estate tax arrears in the Slovak Republic (download)
Báger-Gusztáv-Lovász, G. László | The legal, religious, and linguistic status of artificial insemination and the embryo, in light of a potential public policy and demographic shift (download)
Antal, Orsolya | The Role of Vocational Training in Conflict Management – Continuous and Sustainable Knowledge Development (download)
Egresi, Katalin | “Landscape after battle.” On the margins of the Hungarian Public Education Act (download)
Kozák, Bettina | Administrative adjudication in the history of the development of the country (download)
Molnár, Péter | Measuring digital government at the local level (download)
Mozsonyi, Norbert |Data protection as data security, - the ecosystem of digital markets (download)
Zalahegyi, Zoltán | The history of the Unification Movement of Hungary from a Legal Pespective (download)