Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia

Volume 1 (2014)
Volume 2 (2015)
Volume 3 (2016)
Volume 4 (2017)
Volume 5 (2018)
Volume 6 (2019)
Volume 7 (2020)
Volume 8 (2021)
Volume 9 (2022)
Volume 10 (2023)


Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia, ISSN 2064-5902

Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia is a joint online periodical of the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Széchenyi István University and the Postgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences. It is planned to be published twice a year, in English or, in case of some specific issues, in German and French. The topics discussed vary from issues of law and legal sciences to political sciences, as well as social sciences. All manuscripts before publication will be peer-reviewed and proofread. The periodical primarily publishes proceedings from international conferences, seminars and workshop discussions organized by the Faculty and the Doctoral School, and it is delighted to publish papers written by lecturers and researchers of the Faculty. The issues of the periodical can be freely downloaded from the scientific website of the Faculty in pdf format file via internet search. The editor-in-chief is Katalin Egresi, while the Dean of the Faculty is responsible for the publication. The editorial board consists of well-respected national and foreign experts, representing all branches of law, and this method is supposed to ensure the good standard of the periodic. 


Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia, ISSN 2064-5902

A Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia című folyóirat a Széchenyi István Egyetem Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Karának és Állam- és Jogtudományi Doktori Iskolájának közös online kiadványa. A lap évente két számmal jelenik meg, és elsődlegesen angol, néhány különleges esetben azonban német, illetve francia nyelvű tanulmányokat, konferencia-előadásokat, recenziókat közöl. A lap profilja felöleli az állam- és jogtudományok, a politikatudomány, valamint az azokhoz kapcsolódó tudományok teljes spektrumát. A szakmailag és nyelvileg lektorált periodika elsősorban a Kar és a Doktori Iskola által szervezett konferenciákon, nemzetközi szemináriumokon, műhelybeszélgetéseken elhangzott tudományos igényű előadások írásos változatait közli, de helyt ad az oktatók és kutatók által írott munkáknak is. A lapszámok a Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar tudományos kiadványait megjelenítő portáljáról érhetők el szabadon, internetes kereséssel, másolástól és módosítástól védett pdf-formátumban. A Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia felelős kiadója a Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar dékánja, főszerkesztője Egresi Katalin, felelős kiadójaa SzE Állam- és Jogtudományi Karának dékánja. A periodika szerkesztőbizottsága elismert hazai és külföldi szakemberekből áll, akik révén valamennyi jogág képviselteti magát a lap színvonalát is biztosítani hivatott testületben.


Editorial Board and editors (Szerkesztőbizottság és szerkesztőség)

Co-chairs of the Editorial Board (a szerkesztőbizottság elnökei):

Dr. Péter Smuk, dean 

Dr. Péter Takács, professor 

Members of the Editorial Board (a szerkesztőbizottság tagjai):

Dr. Vanda Lamm, professor emerita

Dr. Wawrzyniec Konarski, professor (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Nishiumi Maki, professor (Chuo University, Tokyo and Sorbonne University, France)
Dr. Frank Orton, former judge (Supreme Court of Sweden), former ombudsman (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
Dr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, professor (Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Brno, Czech Republic

Dr. Gábor Kovács, professor
Dr. István Kukorelli, professor

Dr. István Stumpf, professor

Dr. Mónika Ganczer, associate professor
Dr. Judit Glavanits, associate professor
Dr. Gábor Hulkó, associate professor
Dr. Gábor Kecskés, associate professor

Editor in Chief (főszerkesztő):

Dr. Egresi Katalin, associate professor 

Online editor (online szerkesztő):

Dr. Stipkovits Tamás István

Proof-reader (olvasószerkesztő):

Szalay Orsolya

Publisher (Kiadó) 

Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, H-9026, Győr, Áldozat utca 12.

Responsible for publishing (a kiadásért felel):

Dr. Péter Smuk, dean


Contacts of the Editorial Office (A szerkesztőség elérhetősége)

Editorial Office: Faculty of Law of Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary.
Mail: H– 9026 Győr, Áldozat u. 12.  Hungary.
Fax: [Hungary: 36]-96/310-336.






  • The text of article is composed in GARAMOND in size 11.
  • Footnotes are composed in GARAMOND, in a smaller size (9) than that used in the text.
  • Footnotes are numbered with superscript Arabic numerals. In the text, footnote references are followed, not preceded, by punctuation marks, with the exception of the exclamation mark and the question mark, which precede the footnote reference number.
  • A printed work is quoted by giving in order:
    1. a) the dotted name (or the full name if there is a possibility of misunderstanding) and surname of the author in small capitals (if there is more than one author, their dotted names and surnames, given in the order in which they appear on the title page of the volume or in the title of the essay, will be separated by commas);
    2. b) the full precise title of the work, including the subtitle;
    3. c) the place of publication (written in the language of the cited text);
    4. d) the publisher;
    5. d) the year(s) of publication;
    6. e) indication of the number of the edition, if any, exponent of the year of publication;
    7. f) indication of volume, tome and page, if any.

E.g. Rawls, John: The Theory of Justice, Budapest, Osiris, 1997. pp. 100-102.

  • If the writing has appeared in a periodical, after the title, the following are cited, separated by commas:
    1. a) the title of the periodical itself, preceded by 'in';
    2. b) the number of Volume, and Issue,
    3. c) the year of publication,
    4. d) and the pages.

E.g.: Forstsakis, Theodore: Principles Governing Good Administration, in European Public Law, Vol. 11. No. 2. 2005. p. 217.

Kanska, Klara: Towards Administrative Human Rights in the EU: Impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in European Law Journal, Vol. 10. no. 3. 2004. p. 301.

Schwarze, Jürgen: The Principle of Proportionality and the Principle of Impartiality in European administrative law. 4. No. 2. 2003. p. 66.


  • Collective works are cited by the full name of the editor(s) immediately after the title of cited publication, (surname in small capital)
    1. a) name of author(s): surname in small capital, comma, first name
    2. b) the title of publication
    3. c) the title of collective work
    4. d) name of editor(s)
    5. d) name of publisher
    6. d) year of publication
    7. e) page(s)

E.g.: Hegedűs, Laura: Opportunity in Alternative Advertising - Product Placement in Hungarian Media Law, in Legal Studies on he Contemporary Hungarian Legal System, ed. Kálmán, János, Universitas-Győr, Nonprofit Kft, Győr, p. 111.


  • When the citation is repeated in sequence, but at least one element of the quotation changes, with 'ibid.' followed by the changed elements.


E.g. Rawls: Theory of Justice, Osiris, Budapest, 1997. p. 100.

When citation is repeated in sequence: Rawls: ibid, p. 158.

When the citation is repeated in sequence with the same page: Ibidem


  • When the citation is not repeated in sequence, mentioning only the surname of the author, abbreviating the title of the work (always in the same way), followed by a comma, and adding the abbreviation 'cit.'


E.g. Rawls: The Theory of Justice, cit, p. 105.


  • Reference to the Constitutional Court decision(s):

E.g.: See decision 539/B/1997. ABH 1998, p. 734., 736.


  • Reference to the legislative act(s):

E . g.:

for the first time of publication:

See the first sentence of Article 1. par. 1. of Act CXL of 2004 on the General Rules of Administrative Proceedings and Services (hereinafter referred to as Ket.)


See Article 2. par. 1. and 2. of Ket.


  • Collective works by multiple authors

duplicate citation: (author 1-author 2)

  1. a) name of author(s): surname in small capital, comma, first name
  2. b) the title of publication
  3. d) name of editor(s)
  4. d) name of publisher
  5. d) year of publication
  6. e) page(s)


E.g.: Szigeti, Péter-Takács, Péter: The Theory of the Rule of Law, Budapest, Napvilág, 1996. p. 56.

When citation is repeated in sequence:

Szigeti-Takács: The legal theory of the rule of law: ibid, p. 158.

When the citation is repeated in sequence with the same page: Ibidem

When the citation is not repeated in sequence, mentioning only the surname of the author, abbreviating the title of the work (always in the same way), followed by a comma, and adding the abbreviation 'cit.'


E.g. Szigeti-Takács: The Theory of the Rule of Law, cit, p. 105.


triple citation: (author 1-author 2-author 3)

  1. a) name of author(s): surname in small capital, comma, first name
  2. b) the title of publication
  3. c) the title of collective work
  4. d) name of publisher
  5. d) year of publication
  6. e) page(s)

E.g.: Fleck, Zoltán-Chronowsky, Nóra-Bárd, Petra: The Crisis of the Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental Rights in Hungary, in MTA Law Working Papers, 2022. No. 4. p. 22.

When citation is repeated in sequence:

Fleck-Chronowsky-Bárd: The Crisis of the Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental Rights in Hungary, ibid, p. 29.

When the citation is repeated in sequence with the same page: Ibidem

When the citation is not repeated in sequence, mentioning only the surname of the author, abbreviating the title of the work (always in the same way), followed by a comma, and adding the abbreviation 'cit.'

Fleck-Chronowsky-Bárd: The Crisis of the Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental Rights in Hungary, cit. p. 32.

more than three author citation: (author 1-author 2-author 3-author 4-ecc.)

  1. a) name of author (1-2-3-ecc.): surname in small capital, comma, first name
  2. c) the title of publication
  3. d) name of publisher
  4. d) year of publication
  5. e) page(s)

E.g.: Bárd, Petra-Chronowski, Nóra-Fleck, Zoltán-Kovács, Ágnes-Körtvélyesi, Zsolt-Mészáros, Gábor: Is the EU Toothless? An Assessment of the EU Rule of Law Enforcement Toolkit?, in MTA Law Working Papers, 2022. No. 8. p. 5.

When citation is repeated in sequence: use after the first author's name:

Bárd, Petra (et. al.): Is the EU Toothless? An Assessment of the EU Rule of Law Enforcement Toolkit, ibid, p. 50.

When the citation is repeated in sequence with the same page: Ibidem

When the citation is not repeated in sequence, using after the first author's name, abbreviating the title of the work (always in the same way), followed by a comma, and adding the abbreviation 'cit.'

Bárd, Petra (et. al.): Is the EU Toothless? An Assessment of the EU Rule of Law Enforcement Toolkit?, cit, p. 52.

  • Reference to the online form of publication:

E.g.: Gaspars, Jan: The Guest for European Foreign Policy Consistency and the Treaty of Lisbon, available at: (cited 10.01.2014.)